ID ANRI K66a 897 f001 sm fragmentIn the DASA project by The Corts Foundation and the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI, Jakarta) an important milestone has been reached and a new archival series has been published online. After the Daily Journals of Batavia also the Resolution books of the Castle of Batavia are available and accessible online now.

The Resolutions were created by the General Secretary of the Governnor-General the Council of Dutch Asia (the Supreme Government in the VOC’s headquarters in Asia: Batavia Castle) and chronologically recorded and stored.

All 330 volumes of 1613-1810 are digitalized in Jakarta by The Corts Foundation and ANRI the last year and currently available on the website of http://www.vocindonesie.nl via the overviewpage of this series. More than 232.000 scans have been added to the webste with the publication of this important series!

On 13 September 2015 a memorial to the victims of prisoners of war camp Fukuoka-2 will be unveiled in the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Among the prisoners of war were a few hundred young Dutch navy men and soldiers of the Royal Dutch East-Indian Army who were captured in March 1942. Initially interned at Makassar, they were transferred to Nagasaki in October 1942, where they were forced to work in the shipyards. 41 of these Dutch prisoners of war died in captivity. The survivors returned home in the course of 1945, many not before December.

military history1The “Isaac Alfred Ailion Foundation” from Leiden will support the publication of the Senshi Sōsho volume 3: “The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies”. The Corts Foundation will publish this standard work of the “The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan” in an English translation with Leiden University Press.

For more information, see:

Universiteit Leiden, Isaac Alfred Ailion Foundation

The Senshi Sosho project by The Corts Foundation


On March 10th 2015, Mr. Mustari Irawan, Director General of the Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia and Mr. Joan Snellen van Vollenhoven, secretary of The Corts Foundation, signed a document to declare the official transfer of more than 300.000 digital scan images of the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle and the Resolution Books from TCF to ANRI.

These images are transferred from The Corts Foundation to ANRI under the Memorandum of Understanding of both parties for the first period of 2011-2014. The DASA project of TCF/ANRI continues today with the scanning and publication of the archival series of the Addenda to the Resolution Books (so called: 'Bijlagen bij de Resolutieboeken').



The Corts Foundation

was a Dutch non profit organization that used the legacy of Kees Corts to perform history and archive projects concerning the former Dutch Indies, especially the period of the Dutch East India company, and end of the colonial period during World War II.





Jakarta, Indonesia
Bangkok, Thailand


also the foundation::
Christiaan G. van Anrooij Fonds









Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia





National Institute for Military History 






The Corts Foundation provides access to the content of this website, its data sets and owned publications under the creative commons licence.