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Our final newsletter
(June 2021)
is available for download
See also:
- news letter 2019 November
- news letter 2019 Augustus
- news letter 2018
TCF on other websites
- Access to Asian Archives
- ANP news item on the launching of DASA website
- Center for Early Modern History
- Knowledge Institution Digital Culture
- Dutch historians website
- article about the Dutch Archives
- Historical Society Noordoost-friesland
- International Institute for Asian Studies
- Dutch Maritime Portal
- VOC website
- History News Magazine
- ANRI Youtube
- Trouw Newspaper
- Computable
March 2015: TCF sponsoring Syboldhuis exhibition
From March 6th until May 31st 2015 the Japan Museum 'SieboldHuis' will house the exposition 'Silk Splendour. Kimonos from the Kubota Collection' (Dutch: ‘Zijden Pracht. Kimono’s uit de Kubota Collectie’). Sixteen showpieces by Itchiku Kubota are shown, each about two meters high and one and a half meters wide, can be admired in all its detail. Fourteen of these pieces are shown outside Japan for the first time.
The Corts Foundation is sponsoring the exhibition with a donation.
At the same time the Japan Museum 'Sieboldhuis' shows textile exhibitions by 'Windkracht 10' and amateur artists of 'Stidoc, responding to the Sybold collection.
Japanmuseum SieboldHuis is located at the Rapenburg 19 in Leiden, the Netherlands, and open from tuesday to sunday from 10:00 - 17:00 hours. For more information see .
February 2015: Bundle Diplomatic Letters Published Online
The project about the 'Diplomatic Letters' that is part of the TCF-project 'Digital Archive Systems at ANRI' resulted in eight articles that are written about these unique letters. These articles are bundled now and published online.
The articles represent the nature of the more than 4300 letters that were sent to Batavia during several decennia, and some of the answers to these letters. The eight letters that were selected are documented extensively and introduced scientifically. The Dutch texts in the original handwritings are translated into Indonesian and English to be accessible for a broad international audience.
The bundle can be downloaded >>>
January 2015: Index of Placard books online
A full text searchable index of the so called 'Plakaatboeken' has been created by the Corts Foundation and ANRI. For the first time this is published online. The index contains over ten thousand entries referring to the seventeen volumes that were published in print in the 19th century by the Bataviaasch Genootschap.
Many of the decrees or ‘plakaten’ (placards) were issued in public and nailed to the door of the Town Hall (Stadhuis) or other such visible public places in the 17th and 18th century. Most of the placards were meant to regulate the markets, public leases, institutions, population (most notably the Chinese) and public civil behaviour of Batavia. A number of other placards concern regulations for VOC personnel, trade, maritime matters, repatriation and salaries.
December 2014: First Diplomatic Letters Project succesfully completed
A team of ANRI archivists, with Haris Budiawan and Yovi Purwono, in cooperation with two young researchers from Leiden University, Maarten Manse and Simon Kemper, completed a detailed entry of 4,423 records of the diplomatic letters in the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle between 1683 and 1744. These records give direct online access to the scans of the letters in the archive at ANRI, Jakarta. For the first time also, an overview of Indonesian rulers and their locations has been created, including the names as they appear in the sources, and their modern names.